Its all in a name

As I desperately tried to find an uber cute original name for my super awesome trendy new blog (shamless plug)

Boo..Of course all the super cool ones I could come up with were already take… might have sounded a little to conceded for my time first time on the blogging scene.

So Why

This small phrase “10,000 words a day” has been the road block phrase that has began to define our marriage

So I am Mrs. 10,000 words a day (as in I talk to much though I like to say I have a love for words and over communication lol) and I am happily (most days) ever after married to the wonderful kind and loving Mr. 7 Words a day (might as well be a mute)…This is proof that God has an awesome sense of sarcasm.

It all started in church one Sunday our Pastor was wrapping up a relationship series and was getting to the sermon about communication, here I am eager to take a gazillion notes that will forever change the intimacy level and connection between my husband and I…and here is his great God Breathed Wisdom that he gives us….Some of us are 10,000 word a day people some of us or 1000 word a day people we just have to accept everyone for who and where they are. Find a way to communicate on their level and be happy with it….

What?! This is not the revelation I had waiting for…some how overtime it has become the running joke between Mr. No Words and myself. Occasionally we can even figure out a way to use it as a snarky dig in the midst of a heated moment and now I am beginning to embrace it. I have learned a lot about myself and how I tick over the last few years (thankfully being raised as the only sane person in a band of circus clowns lends to spending years in therapy which leads to tons of self discovery!..go me!)…So what I am a 10,000 word a day person? God didn’t curse me with a blabber mouth he blessed me with the gift of Gab and I am going to use it!…not sure quite how yet at this moment but stand by for another post whenever I get to the point where I figure out what that is.

So tenthousandwordsaday has begun to define me in so many ways and as I have been dying to start up a blog and use my love of communication but I couldn’t quite define what I wanted to say yet so instead of trying to make my thoughts fit into a little box I thought the name of my blog would best be a warning to all… my cup runeth’ over and I have a lot to say about it!

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A little bit about me…I am the mom and stepmom of 7 (nope that is not a typo I did mean 7) wonderful albeit sometimes trying kids. I am the slightly codependent chatty wife of Mr. No Words. A Die Hard Optimistic People Pleasing Positive Polly. Who is desperately trying to figure out this journey we call life. We are a blended family of new believers struggling just like everyone else with finances, kids, relationships, work, church and home…sometimes it is HARD, but mostly it is GOOD. I hope you join me on this journey of 10,000 words a day!

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17 thoughts on “Its all in a name

  1. Randomly stumbled across this and I really like your writing style! Welcome to the blogging world! Your title made me think of Matt Redman’s song, “10,000 Reasons”. I look forward to reading more from you 🙂 Blessings!


  2. Awww this was Great Shannon!!! Just by the few comments I read I believe this is one of your many many ways to use your gift of “blab” lol. I believe you will find some awesome people who need to hear what you have to say and you can relate to. Great Idea for you!!! Excited to reat more ; Love You!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Very well written! I love this because I often find myself talking a ton jumping from one subject to the next going all around the mulberry bush and back around the barn with words and most times it’s made into a joke just the same. Can’t wait to read more


  4. You are so great with words no one could be more perfect for such of a journey. This is all you and you will be awesome as you are with anything you di!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love you Shannon, and I had no doubt that you putting it all In writing would come out exactly the way it should! I can’t wait to continue reading! I’ve always love hearing what you have to say! Muah


  6. This is great. I’ve been mulling over the idea of starting a blog myself lately. Just trying to decide what I actually want it to be about. Good for you for putting it out there. Looking forward to following what you have to say.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have spent weeks thinking about what my niche would be…budgeting…organization. ..parenting ect. But I decided I better jump in and figure it out as I go! Thanks for reading! Can’t wait to see what you come up with!


  7. This is wonderful! I would love it because you wrote it and I love you. But this is awesome!!! It is funny. It is touching and full of enlightenment .


    1. Aww Fay your a soo stinking sweet! Some how I just saw your comment fro two months ago lol….I’m been slacking on my blogging so In hadn’t logged on in a while…. Love you!!


Sooo What do you think?